
发布时间:2024-03-11 浏览次数:10



泰山学者”特聘教授,国家优秀青年科学基金、山东省杰出青年科学基金获得者。本科与硕士先后于19982001年在山东师范大学获学士及硕士学位,2005年在中科院植物生理生态所获博士学位。博士毕业后,到美国加州大学河滨分校,以及蒙大拿州立大学进行博士后研究工作。2010年受聘于山东农业大学。长期从事植物分子遗传学及功能基因组学研究,尤其是植物重要农艺性状基因/QTLQuantitative Trait Loci)的定位、克隆及其功能研究。主要以黄瓜为研究对象,利用分子遗传学、分子生物学、生物化学等手段,挖掘黄瓜品质、抗性等功能基因,并研究其调控黄瓜品质、抗性的分子机理。相关研究结果发表在《Nature Genetics》、《PNAS》、《Plant Physiol》、《J Exp Bot.》等国际著名杂志上。获得“中国科学院优秀博士学位论文”及“全国优秀博士学位论文”奖。获上海市科学技术奖一等奖(第三位)1项,国家自然科学奖二等奖(第三位)1项。







  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31872950):黄瓜耐热关键基因的定位克隆及功能分析(2019.01-2022.12),主持

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31672170),CsMYB60调控黄瓜黑刺类黄酮生物合成的分子机理(2017.01-2020.12),主持

  3. 山东省自然科学杰出青年基金(JQ201309),黄瓜重要农艺性状功能基因组学(2013.10-2016.10),主持

  4. 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目(31222048),蔬菜学(2013.01-2015.12),主持

  5. 山东省泰山学者建设工程(ts20130932),蔬菜学(2013.10-2018.09),主持

  6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31171977),黄瓜短果基因的定位、克隆及功能分析(2012.01-2015.12),主持


  1. 水稻复杂数量性状的分子遗传调控机理,国家自然科学奖二等奖,2012。(第3位)

  2. 全国优秀博士论文奖, 2008

  3. 水稻耐盐复杂数量性状的遗传机理及其应用研究,上海市自然科学一等奖,2007。(第3位)

  4. 中国科学院优秀博士学位论文奖,2007


  1. 任仲海、张振、徐志璇,番茄SlMYB75基因在增强番茄果实抗腐烂、延长货架期中的应用(专利号:ZL201711096586.6)。受权日期:2021.3.9

  2. 任仲海、栾倩倩,刘梦雨,刘盼静,张振。一种黄瓜CsWRKY50基因在增强黄瓜霜霉病抗性中的应用(专利号:ZL201810281555.6)受权日期:2020.03.10

  3. 任仲海、张海洋、曹辰兴、王丽娜、李强,一种快速鉴定黄瓜品系刺瘤稀密的分子标记、鉴定方法及应用(专利号:ZL201510261703.4)。授权日期:2017.7.11


  1. Xinbin Gao#, Pei Guo# , Zhiyuan Wang, Chunhua Chen*, Zhonghai Ren*. Transcriptome profiling reveals response genes for downy mildew resistance in cucumber. Planta. 2021, 253:112. doi: 10.1007/s00425-021-03603-6.

  2. Ni Han, Rui Tang, Xueqian Chen, Zhixuan Xu, Zhonghai Ren*, Lina Wang*. Genome-wide identification and characterization of WOX genes in Cucumis sativus. Genome. 2021, doi: 10.1139/gen-2020-0029. Epub ahead of print.

  3. Mengyu Liu, Zhen Zhang, Zhixuan Xu, Lina Wang, Chunhua Chen, Zhonghai Ren*. Overexpression of SlMYB75 enhances resistance to Botrytis cinerea and prolongs fruit storage life in tomato. Plant Cell Rep. 2021, 40: 43-58.

  4. Mengyu Liu, Qingxia Zhang, Can Wang, Tianqi Meng, Lina Wang, Chunhua Chen, Zhonghai Ren*. CsWRKY10 mediates defence responses to Botrytis cinerea infection in Cucumis sativus. Plant Sci. 2020, 300: 110640.

  5. Chunhua Chen*, Xueqian Chen, Jing Han, Wenli Lu, Zhonghai Ren*. Genome-wide analysis of the WRKY gene family in the cucumber genome and transcriptome-wide identification of WRKY transcription factors that respond to biotic and abiotic stresses. BMC Plant Biol. 2020, 20: 443.

  6. Xiangfei Wang#, Hao Li#, Zhihui Gao, Lina Wang*, Zhonghai Ren*. Localization of quantitative trait loci for cucumber fruit shape by a population of chromosome segment substitution lines. Sci Rep. 2020, 10: 11030.

  7. Jialin Li, Qianqian Luan, Jing Han, Cunjia Zhang, Mengyu Liu and Zhonghai Ren*. CsMYB60 directly and indirectly activates structural genes to promote the biosynthesis of flavonols and proanthocyanidins in cucumber. Hortic Res. 2020, 7: 103.

  8. Jialin Li, Ting Wang, Jing Han, Zhonghai Ren*. Genome-wide identification and characterization of cucumber bHLH family genes and the functional characterization of CsbHLH041 in NaCl and ABA tolerance in Arabidopsis and cucumber. BMC Plant Biol. 2020, 20: 272.

  9. Zhihui Gao, Haiyang Zhang, Chenxing Cao, Jing Han, Hao Li, Zhonghai Ren*. QTL Mapping for Cucumber Fruit Size and Shape with Populations from Long and Round Fruited Inbred Lines. Hortic Plant J. 2020, 6: 132-144.

  10. Panjing Liu#, Shuoshuo Wang#, Xiangfei Wang, Xiaoyu Yang, Qiang Li, Chao Wang, Chunhua Chen, Qinghua Shi, Zhonghai Ren*, Lina Wang*. Genome-wide characterization of two-component system (TCS) genes in melon (Cucumis melo L.). Plant Physiol Bioch. 2020. 151: 197-213.

  11. Xu Zhang, Lichen Chen, Qinghua Shi, Zhonghai Ren*. SlMYB102, an R2R3-type MYB gene, confers salt tolerance in transgenic tomato. Plant Sci. 2020, 291: 110356.

  12. Xu Zhang, Zhixuan Xu, Lichen Chen, Zhonghai Ren*. Comprehensive analysis of multiprotein bridging factor 1 family genes and SlMBF1c negatively regulate the resistance to Botrytis cinerea in tomato. BMC Plant Biol. 2019, 19:437.

  13. Qianqian Luan#, Chunhua Chen#, Mengyu Liu, Qiang Li, Lina Wang, Zhonghai Ren*. CsWRKY50 Mediates Defense Responses to Pseudoperonospora cubensis infection in Cucumis sativus, Plant Sci. 2019, 279: 59-69.

  14. Mengyu Liu#, Cunjia Zhang#, Lixin Duan#, Qianqian Luan, Jialing Li, Aigang Yang, Xiaoquan Qi*, Zhonghai Ren*. CsMYB60 is a key regulator of flavonols and proanthocyanidans that determine the colour of fruit spines in cucumber. J Exp Bot. 2019, 70: 69–84.

  15. Hong Sun#, Baoya Pang#, Jun Yan, Ting Wang, Lina Wang, Chunhua Chen, Qiang Li*, Zhonghai Ren*. Comprehensive Analysis of Cucumber Gibberellin Oxidase Family Genes and Functional Characterization of CsGA20ox1 in Root Development in Arabidopsis. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2018, 19: 3135.

  16. Lina Wang#, Chenxing Cao#, Shuangshuang Zheng#, Haiyang Zhang, Panjing Liu, Qian Ge, Jinrui Li, Zhonghai Ren*. Transcriptomic analysis of short-fruit 1 (sf1) reveals new insights into the variation of fruit-related traits in Cucumis sativus. Sci Rep. 2017, 7: 2950.

  17. Haiyang Zhang#, Lina Wang#, Shuangshuang Zheng, Zezhou Liu, Xiaoqin Wu, Zhihui Gao, Chenxing Cao, Qiang Li, Zhonghai Ren*. A fragment substitution in the promoter of CsHDZIV11/CsGL3 is responsible for fruit spine density in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Theor Appl Genet. 2016, 129: 1289-1301.


通讯地址:山东省泰安市岱宗大街61号,山东农业大学园艺科学与工程学院 271018

联系电话: 15092853925E-mail: zhren@sdau.edu.cn
